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1. 본 학회지는 ()한국해양학회의 국문학술지로서 해양학과 이에 관련된 분야의 논문을 기재한다.

2. 본 학회지는 한국과학기술단체총연합회의 지원을 받고 있다.

3. 해양학의 발전 및 해양에 관한 지식의 향상과 보급에 공헌하고, 해양자원 개발과 보존 및 해양환경의 보전에 기여하고자 한다.

4. 바다지는 연간 4회 발간하며, 발간 시기는 228, 531, 831, 1130일로 한다.

Journal Title

‘The Sea’, Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography

Print ISSN


Online ISSN



The Korean Society of Oceanography


1. Bada(The Sea) is the periodical, published by ‘The Korean Society of Oceanography’ and is supported by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies Grant funded by the Korean Government(MEST).

2. ‘The Sea’ aims to achieve the advancement and dissemination of information in the field of oceanography.

3. ‘The Sea’ is published quarterly in the end of February, May, August, and November each year.


‘The Sea’ publishes original research articles, reviews and notes.


The scopes of ’The Sea’ include the following fields:

Physical Oceanography: waves, currents, air-sea interaction, ocean modeling, coastal processes, water masses

Biological Oceanography: plankton, benthic organisms, fish, ecology, taxonomy, molecular biology

Chemical Oceanography: Trace elements, Isotopes, Nutrients, Organic substances, Gases

Geological Oceanography: geophysics, sedimentology, paleontology, paleogeopraphy, sediment dynamics

Marine Pollution: pollutants analysis and monitoring, fates of contaminants, aquatic toxicology, ecotoxicology

Marine Policy including coastal problems and related fields


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